Author name: James

Growing up I feel in love with all things Tech. I taught myself about cars, computers, electronics and couldn't ever get enough. I always have some nerdy project I am working on and after many year of getting told to share my love of all things nerdy I finally did when I made my site

Using Composer Create Project with a local repository

TL;DR: You need to pass the location of the local folder as a repository and then make sure you set the “–prefer-dist” value to “@dev”. Just replace everything in caps below and you are good to go! composer create-project –prefer-dist SOURCE_SCOPE/SOURCE_NAME=”@dev” NEW_PROJECT_NAME –repository ‘{“type”: “path”, “url”: “/PATH/TO/THE/SOURCE/PROJECT”, “options”: {“symlink”: false}}’ I was recently working on

Using Composer Create Project with a local repository Read More »